Kenny’s Celebration Social - Sunday June 4th

Let us celebrate the life of Kenny Gonzales

It begins with a memorial group ride at 4pm at the SF Railyard Water Tower. We will roll out at 4:15pm. Come prepared to self-support and support others. The ride will be a slow, winding, and circuitous route through the Santa Fe underbelly, as Kenny would do often at 3am in the middle of winter. This is a no-drop ride co-hosted by a number of individuals and groups that were touched by Kenny's indomitable spirit.

The ride will culminate at Second Street Rufina at 5pm, which will be closed down to accommodate this event! Many thanks to the Second Street team! They are offering secure bike storage in the brewery! There will be a live DJ and an auction of Kenny's bikes and components to cover family medical expenses. All are welcome, even if you don't join the ride ahead of time.

Pass the word on and invite others. It is our sincere hope that the turnout for this event reflects the impact that this wonderful human has had on the Santa Fe community.


Reanimator Bike Tour Outdoor Gear Sewing Repair Event - Saturday June 3rd


Women’s Weekly MTB Ride - June 6th